Transfer currency

When you use @moneypot/hub, this is already handled for you.

One of the core features of the Moneypot casino API is that you can transfer currency between holders (users and controllers).

Transfer status

Transfers can move between these states:

  • COMPLETED: (Terminal) The transfer is settled and money was moved between two holder accounts.
  • PENDING: (Initial) The transfer hasn't moved any money yet until the sender calls completeTransfer(id).
  • UNCLAIMED: (Initial) An expirable transfer. Funds have been deducted from the sender, but the sender must call claimTransfer(id) before expiration or user cancels the transfer.
  • EXPIRED: (Terminal) An UNCLAIMED transfer that wasn't claimed in time by receiver. Funds have been returned to sender.
  • CANCELED: (Terminal) An UNCLAIMEDor PENDING transfer where the sender called cancelTransfer(id).
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Receiving user transfers through an experience

When a user wants to play an experience, they use the transferCurrencyToExperience mutation which starts a transfer to the experience's underlying controller.

Here is the process:

  1. The funds are deducted from the user's account immediately
  2. An UNCLAIMED transfer is created with a very short expiration (one minute)

Then one of these things can happen:

  1. The user calls cancelTransfer(id) and the transfer state becomes CANCELED
  2. The transfer expires and its state becomes EXPIRED
  3. The receiving Controller calls claimTransfer(id), their balance gets credited, and the transfer state becomes COMPLETED

The controller is responsible for polling the Casino API to watch for incoming UNCLAIMED transfers.

You must ensure that the `claimTransfer(id)` request to the origin Moneypot casino succeeds before crediting users in your own database.

Otherwise, you will credit users for money that you never received.