Best practices

Truncate balances for display

When displaying player balances, truncate the value to the currency's displayUnitScale.

const balance = 123.456789;
const currency = { id: "BTC", displayUnitName: "bits", displayUnitScale: 100 };
// ✅ Show "123.45 bits"
// ❌ Not "123.456789 bits"
const displayBalance =
  Math.floor(balance * currency.displayUnitScale) / currency.displayUnitScale;

This way, you only show an amount that the player can withdraw since the transfer system only allows integers of base unit amounts.

baseAmount = displayAmount * currency.displayUnitScale

Floor base amounts before transfer and withdrawal

The Moneypot API (and thus @moneypot/hub) only allow integer amounts for transfers.

This means that when you implement a withdraw form, you should floor the amount to the nearest integer before sending it to the Moneypot API.

const handleSubmit = () => {
  // Player typed "12.34" bits (display units) into the box, so convert to base units and floor it.
  const baseAmount = Math.floor(
    Number.parseFloat(amountString) * currency.displayUnitScale

    variables: {
      amount: baseAmount,

This handles two cases:

  1. Too much precision, e.g. 1.123 bits becomes 1.123 * 100 = 112.3 satoshis when instead you want 112 satoshis since the transfer system only supports integers.
  2. Truncates floating point error, e.g. 1.12 bits * 100 becomes 112.00000000000001 satoshis when instead you want 112 satoshis.

Look and feel


We will eventually encourage a list of look and feel UI conventions.